
↑Mellow yellow: Happiness follows a U-shaped curve during a person's lifetime

快樂U曲線 人生微笑曲線 45歲後越來越快樂 人生快樂指數的U型曲線


研究:快樂呈U型曲線 45歲谷底攀升



比利時馬斯垂克大學(Maastricht University)經濟學者范藍德根(Bert van Landeghem)帶領的研究團隊,針對英國、瑞士和德國三國人民的調查,在英國皇家經濟協會(the Royal Economic Society)的倫敦年會公布報告,指出25歲和65歲對生活滿意度最高、最快樂;當然,青春年華25歲是更好的年齡,但65歲的人已瞭解自己是怎樣的人,對生活也更滿意。

而所謂「哀樂中年」是真的,因為中年人的責任負擔最重,要養家、有房貸,工作壓力也最大,同時也要面對親友的老、病、死。一般來說,30歲到55 歲是人生的快樂底盤,尤其45歲更是痛苦深淵,而過了45歲,就會從谷底爬升。29歲的范藍德根表示,一般人年過半百之後,就會知天命,更瞭解自己、勇於表達好惡。

子曰,「七十而從心所欲,不逾矩。」如果孔子能活到80歲的,也許他會更快樂,因為根據另兩項調查──倫敦大學生物學教授沃柏特(Lewis Wolpert)認為從45歲左右起,人們漸漸放寬心胸、常保快樂,一直到70、80歲達到巔峰;全美科學學院的調查更指出,40歲後半的快樂感重新攀升,直到85歲再達高峰。

研究:人生幸福感呈U型曲線 46歲是谷底

2010年12月19日 14:55


怕老是人類的通病,因為伴隨老年而來的不外乎是皮膚鬆垮、肌肉退化、關節僵硬及記憶力退化,除了怕老更怕死,因此有人說「當你想到死亡時,年齡變大不是一件那麼糟糕的事情」。但英國「經濟學人」(The Economist)雜誌報導指出,人類對老不必那麼悲觀,人生並非在壯年之後就一路走下坡,一生的幸福感是一個「U型曲線」,46歲是人生的谷底,接著開就始回升,愈來愈幸福。












原文網址: 研究:人生幸福感呈U型曲線 46歲是谷底 | 國際新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網



Happiness is U-shaped: Why we have to 'wait until 45' to become less grumpy

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 10:20 AM on 18th April 2011

If you feel yourself turning into an old grouch, don't worry - happiness is just around the bend.

A survey has found that although happiness dips in those in their 30s and 40s, people start to feel more content with life after the age of 50.


However an economist at Maastricht University in Belgium found that older people will never again recapture the excitement of youth.

Rather it is thought that with age, individuals become more pragmatic about the ups and downs that life brings and accept their lot.

The study by Bert Van Landeghem is being presented to the Royal Economic Society in London this week.

He questioned those in Britain, Switzerland and Germany and applied the findings to people's life cycle.

Mr Van Landeghem, 29, said: 'A U-shaped happiness curve does not necessarily imply that a 65-year-old prefers his own life to the life of a 25-year-old.


'Both the 25-year-old and 65-year-old might agree that it is nicer to be 25 than to be 65. But the 65- year-old might nevertheless be more satisfied, as he has learned to be satisfied with what he has.'

It was suggested the mid-life happiness dip is because this is when people have the most responsibilities - taking care of a family, paying a mortgage and having a demanding career.

The middle-aged dip in happiness was also compared to that of losing a close relative or suddenly becoming unemployed.


The study is just one of many put forward as an indicator of what makes for a happy life.

Psychologists concluded that having money makes you happier, but only if you have a lot more than your friends and neighbours.

Separate research found that owning the house of your dreams, the car you always longed for and having millions in the bank doesn't stop that desire to keep up with the Joneses.

And if the Joneses have more than you do, you'll be


miserable. It seems envy at being lower in the social pecking order tarnishes the satisfaction of being well off.

Psychologists looked at the happiness levels of 10,000 people who took part in the British Household Panel Survey last year and compared these with their income.

The results showed that although salary is important to a certain extent, a person's social standing or status matters more.

Researcher Dr Chris Boyce from the University of Warwick said: 'The standard of living has gone up for each individual over the past 40 years but it has gone up for everyone,' said researcher Dr Chris Boyce from the University of Warwick.


'Our cars are faster now but our neighbours have faster cars too, so we haven't got that advantage over people close to us.

'Without the biggest home, or the fastest car then it doesn't give you that same excitement as it would have.

'Earning £1million a year appears not to be enough to make you happy if you know your friends all earn £2million a year.'










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