
avril lavigne 艾薇兒 再見搖籃曲 Goodbye Lullaby 專輯  艾薇兒2011演唱會

♪★♪艾薇兒談「再見搖籃曲(Goodbye Lullaby)」這張專輯~


2011/5/13 有艾薇兒的演唱會耶!妳買票了嗎?哈(現在應該沒票了吧?!0.0)

活動官網: 搖滾女王Avril艾薇兒2011世界巡迴演唱會
訂票官網: 年代售票 也可至端點、7-11ibon、全家FamiPort、萊爾富Life-ET 購票
開始販售時間:2011年2月25日 12:00起

自艾薇兒2002年出道至今,已經在西洋樂壇擁有相當不錯的成績,專輯更已在全球銷量超過3000萬張,並獲葛萊美獎提名和7座加拿大朱諾獎的多重肯定, 尤其像是首張專輯《展翅高飛Let Go》發行的單曲〈Sk8r Boi〉、〈Complicated〉等,都獲得樂界相當正面的評價;2004年發行的《酷到骨子裡Under My Skin》和2006年的第三張專輯《美麗壞東西The Best Damn Thing》一舉空降拿下美國告示排專輯榜的冠軍,銳不可擋的超級單曲〈Girlfriend〉更在YouTube上獲得1億3千萬次的觀看次數,並拿下 告示排單曲榜冠軍位置。而在2010年為提姆波頓的電影《魔境夢遊》所演唱的主題曲〈Alice〉,全新專輯《Goodbye Lullaby》3月8日全球同步發行。



化四年的等待為力量 最潮的搖滾 現在換裝

搖滾教主 艾薇兒 睽違四年2011第四張專輯

再見搖籃曲 魅紫豪華特典


◎八次葛萊美獎提名、兩次奧斯卡獎「最佳原創歌曲」入圍、告示牌「2000年代最佳熱門歌手」之一、VH1 「錄影帶時代50位最佳女性藝人」

◎長期合作夥伴「魔數41」Deryck Whibley、好友Evan Taubenfeld、金牌製作人Butch Walker及Max Martin全面臣服

◎CD收錄全美Top 11首支主打〈What The Hell〉、2010賣座電影「魔境夢遊」主題曲〈Alice〉等14首+3首吉他版+叛逆翻唱Joan Jett搖滾經典〈Bad Reputation〉


可以蹦跳熱翻滑板嘻哈族群、野性十足的進攻搖滾領域、個性率真的點燃流行龐克現象、換上粉紅妝扮成為全球高校女王,完全佔領全球年輕世代的心!艾薇兒不僅立下新世代風潮的代名詞,更締造樂壇不可思議的記錄,僅靠三張專輯全球累積突破3200萬的驚人銷售量,八度提名葛萊美獎,分別入列VH1「錄影帶時代以來50位最佳女性藝人」、富比士雜誌「25歲以下20位最會賺錢的人」名單。擁有「Abbey Dawn」潮牌服飾、珠寶設計、2款量身打造的香水、簽入Ford Models模特兒公司,擔綱賣座動畫片「森林保衛戰」幕後配音,涉獵電影圈過過戲癮,朝全方位藝人之路加速前進!

  於2002年發行首張專輯《展翅高飛Let Go》,充分展現實力唱功與創作才情,散發無限的青春活力,不到一年時間就在加拿大獲頒鑽石級銷售認證,頂著世界音樂獎「全球最熱銷的加拿大藝人」頭銜! 2004年的《酷到骨子裡Under My Skin》,空降英美兩地冠軍席次,羈絆黑色重力特質,塗抹些許憂鬱色調。稱霸12國冠軍的《美麗壞東西The Best Damn Thing》,換上俏皮粉紅系列,秀出無比歡樂因子,放肆散射更多誘人起舞旋律,拿下酷世代龐克教主首席,持續杜撰不敗搖滾神話,盡情揮灑對音樂的衝勁與熱愛!

  第四張錄音室大碟《再見搖籃曲Goodbye Lullaby》,再度邀請金牌製作人Butch Walker、Max Martin等長期合作夥伴齊力製作與詞曲撰寫,前夫「魔數41」樂團主唱Deryck Whibley也來助一臂之力。毫不避諱的分享私密情感和生活體驗,呈現一張「內省」的創作專輯。第一波踩踏快意步伐的〈What The Hell〉,相當引人入勝且琅琅上口,走出失婚陰霾重回單身的自由快樂,MTV.com讚譽:「有著令人振奮啦啦隊長般的能量,具備感染力十足的節奏,以及活力充沛的律動。」降落告示牌Top 11位置;光鮮亮麗的堅強外表下,訴說內心脆弱面的〈Wish You Were Here〉,包覆絕對順暢抒情曲式,還有弦樂唯美鋪陳,是支動容的推薦小品;憑藉爽快搖擺的〈Smile〉宣洩,艾薇兒仍要帶著笑容感謝那些在她生命旅程中出現的貴人;復古回歸的〈Stop Standing There〉,沾染如同50年代Motown女孩團體的氣息;瞬間吸焦的空心吉他交織〈Everybody Hurts〉,敘述無論受到多大挫折和負面聲浪,仍不改初衷的堅持理念;弦樂和鋼琴溫潤合體的〈Goodbye〉,揮別往日戀情,心境開闊的大步向前行進,迎接和煦陽光和絕對自信;特別追加替鬼才導演提姆波頓執導電影「魔境夢遊」譜寫廣受好評的主題曲〈Alice〉;CD+DVD版超值再收錄〈What The Hell〉+〈Push〉+〈Wish You Were Here〉三首全新Acoustic獨家版本,及爆炸性翻唱搖滾女將Joan Jett極悍名曲〈Bad Reputation〉!







作詞:Avril Lavigne  作曲:Avril Lavigne

Tripping out, spinning around,
I'm underground, I fell down
yeah, I fell down

I'm freaking out
Where am I now?
Upside down
And I can't stop it now
You can't stop me now, oh

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

I'll play the game
But I can't stay
I've got my head on straight
And I'm not gonna change
I'm not gonna change

I'll win the race
Keep up with the pace
Today's the day
That I start to pray
You can't get in my way, no

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

I found myself in wonderland
Get back on my feet again
Is this real?
Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

「what the hell」這首主打我也很喜歡,歌曲傳達的是艾薇兒認為很多時候我們其實可以不用太拘謹,不用太在意那些讓妳不高興的事,輕鬆點過日子吧!

作詞:Avril Lavigne   作曲:Max Martin、Shellback

You say that I'm messing with your head
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah)
All cause I was making out with your friend
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah)
Love hurts whether it's right or wrong
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah)
I can't stop cause I'm having too much fun
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah)

You're on your knees, begging please, 'Stay with me'
But honestly? I just need to be


a little crazy

All my life I've been good, but now?
I, I, I, am thinking what the hell
All I want is to mess around
And I, I, I don't really care about

If you love me, if you hate me
You can save me baby, baby
All my life I've been good, but now?
What the hell

What? What? What?
What the hell

So what if I go out on a million dates?
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah)
You never call or listen to me anyway
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah)


I'd rather rage than sit around and wait all day
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah)
Don't get me wrong, I just need some time to play

You're on your knees, begging please, 'Stay with me'(la la la-ah)
But honestly? I just need to be a little crazy(crazy)

All my life I've been good, but now?
I, I, I, am thinking what the hell
All I want is to mess around
And I, I, I don't really care about


If you love me, if you hate me
You can save me baby, baby
All my life I've been good, but now?
What the hell

La la la la la la la
Woah-oh, woah-oh-oh
La la la la la la la
Woah-oh, woah-oh-oh

You say that I'm messing with yo


ur head
Boy, I like messing in your bed
Yeah, I am messing with your head
When I'm messing with you in bed

All my life I've been good, but now?
I, I, I, am thinking what the hell(what the hell)
All I want is to mess around
And I, I, I don't really care about(I don't care about)
All my life I've been good, but now?
I, I, I, am thinking what the hell

All I want is to mess around


And I, I, I don't really care about(if you love me)
If you love me(you know)
If you hate me(you know)
You can save me baby, baby(if you love me)
All my life I've been good, but now?
What the hell

La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la


「wish you were here」傳達的是對一個人的思念之情,相當抒情的一首歌

作詞:Avril Lavigne    作曲:Max Martin、Shellback

I can be tough, I can be strong
But with you it's not like that at all
There's a girl that gives a shit
Behind this wall, you just walked through it

And I remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, here, here
(I wish you were here)

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, near, near
(I wish you were here)

I love the way you are
Is who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say it like it is
And the truth is that I really miss

All those crazy things you said(things you said)
You left them running through my head(through my head)
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did(things we did)
Didn't think about it, just went with it(went with it)
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, here, here
(I wish you were here)

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, near, near
(I wish you were here)

No, I don't want to let go
I just want to let you know
That I never wanna let go
Let go(oh, oh)

No, I don't want to let go
I just want to let you know
That I never wanna let go
(Let go, let go, let go, let go)
(Let go, let go, let go, let go)

Damn, damn, damn(damn)
What I'd do to have you
Here, here, here
(I wish you were here)

I wish you were here

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, near, near
(I wish you were here)

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, here, here
(I wish you were here)

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, near, near
(I wish you were here)



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